Our wonderful friends Julia and Kurtis (Kracke Photography) gave us the most wonderful gift for the arrival of our son. A years worth of photographs. To us, this gift is priceless. One, their pictures are amazing (they did our engagement pictures and our wedding!) and two, they're so creative. They just do such a great job!!
Anyways, here are some from our newborn shoot when Nate was only 6 days old!

Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
I'm A Slacker....
So instead of blogging I have just been staring at Nate. Now I could easily blame my lack of updating due to all the sleepless nights, endless feedings, and many diaper changes causing me to have no time for computers, laundry, vacuuming, etc. But that's not the case. I have accomplished the laundry, vacuuming and other mundane household tasks but I find myself unable to attend to the bills, computer, or emails because quite frankly I'd rather sit on the couch, hold my son, and watch very trashy TV that I've never had the chance to watch before.
N is 2 weeks and 3 days old today. We had our first doctors appointment (where he was measured, he has gone 2 times for a jaundice check) today and he's looking good! His birth weight was 8 lbs 11oz, his last doctors visit he was 8.14. Today he weighed in at..... 9 lbs, 15oz!!! Holy crap!I thought for sure I was going to get scolded by the Dr that he's humongous but she said he was right on track and doing very well. He's also gained a half an inch in length bringing him to 22.5 inches. He's in the 90th percentile for height, and 75th for weight and head circumference. All in all, he's a very healthy, growing boy.
In the past 2 weeks, Nate has changed quite a bit.
*His hair is lightening to blonde
*His eyes became more blue (please stay!!!)
*He's much more alert.
*He recognizes Kevin's and my voice and will lean towards us if others are holding him.
*He eats a lot more
*He sleeps through the majority of the night
He loves his Fisher Price Seahorse, loves to be swaddled in the Halo Sleepsack and Swaddler, and likes to sleep during nap time in his Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. I would say right now, these are 3 things we need everyday. He also enjoys the Sleep Sheep, his lullaby cd, and his crib soother for the night. He obviously loves music and noise. He also seems to enjoy the TV. Whoops, just like his mommy and daddy. He really enjoys laying on his playmat and doing tummy time (although he usually falls asleep.)
Overall he's a very good boy. Everyone (myself included) thinks he's absolutely beautiful and perfect!
Now, some pictures!
Hopefully the next post I make won't be in another 2 weeks!
N is 2 weeks and 3 days old today. We had our first doctors appointment (where he was measured, he has gone 2 times for a jaundice check) today and he's looking good! His birth weight was 8 lbs 11oz, his last doctors visit he was 8.14. Today he weighed in at..... 9 lbs, 15oz!!! Holy crap!I thought for sure I was going to get scolded by the Dr that he's humongous but she said he was right on track and doing very well. He's also gained a half an inch in length bringing him to 22.5 inches. He's in the 90th percentile for height, and 75th for weight and head circumference. All in all, he's a very healthy, growing boy.
In the past 2 weeks, Nate has changed quite a bit.
*His hair is lightening to blonde
*His eyes became more blue (please stay!!!)
*He's much more alert.
*He recognizes Kevin's and my voice and will lean towards us if others are holding him.
*He eats a lot more
*He sleeps through the majority of the night
He loves his Fisher Price Seahorse, loves to be swaddled in the Halo Sleepsack and Swaddler, and likes to sleep during nap time in his Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper. I would say right now, these are 3 things we need everyday. He also enjoys the Sleep Sheep, his lullaby cd, and his crib soother for the night. He obviously loves music and noise. He also seems to enjoy the TV. Whoops, just like his mommy and daddy. He really enjoys laying on his playmat and doing tummy time (although he usually falls asleep.)
Overall he's a very good boy. Everyone (myself included) thinks he's absolutely beautiful and perfect!
Now, some pictures!
N at 1 week old! |
N and his great grandma |
He HATES the flash. That's when he makes these faces! |
Tummy Time! |
This is me at 10 days postpartum. Still have about 30 pounds to lose! |
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This is one of my favorites. Taken with my phone. |
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This is another favorite! |
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2 Weeks! |
Hopefully the next post I make won't be in another 2 weeks!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Introducing Nathan Scott
Nathan Scott
Born March 27, 2011
8 Pounds, 11 Ounces
22 Inches Long
APGAR 8 and 9
So when I posted my 39 week blog post, I fully intended to not need a 40 week post. Well I was wrong I just didn't make one. I had my baby at 40 weeks and 4 days. Here's his birth story:
Saturday March 26, I was having contractions all day and just wasn't feeling good. I had a feeling that it was coming close to being time to get ready. I finished some laundry, tidied up the house, got the animals ready, ate a hefty dinner, and tried to relax.
Around 9pm, my contractions started becoming timeable but not super painful yet. So I just relaxed and watched TV and waited it out. (A little back story, I had *thought* I was in labor 2 other times already. Once my contractions were 4 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute each for a few hours so away we went to Triage. I was wrong and they sent us home. Then another time I thought my water broke and was leaking slowly so we went again a few days later. After an examination, they concluded that my water had not broken and my contractions weren't progressing so again, they sent us home.) This time I was sure I wasn't going until I knew it was time.
Around midnight, I finally called the doctor and she was wonderful. She told me that since I was past my due date, if my contractions seemed to be progressing, even if very slowly, she'd move me along (aka- break my water.) She told me not to be a hero and not to worry about being sent home and to come in before I had the baby at home because I was too scared to be turned away again. She said most new mothers go to Triage a few times because they don't know what to expect.
So I waited an hour and the contractions were getting very painful. I was out of breath and had to hunch over to get through them and they were coming every 2-3 minutes but sometimes I would skip one so I still wasn't sure.
At 1am Sunday, we headed in and I was checked. I was 3.5cm and 100% effaced. They said to walk around for an hour and they'd check me again and if I get to 5cm, I'd be admitted. If not, I would keep walking. Well after walking for 20 minutes, we passed a nurse we had seen the first time we came a week earlier and she said "Yay today's the day" and I said "No we haven't been admitted yet" and she said "Well I heard today's your day" so Kevin and I looked at each other and just said "OMG we're having a baby today!!!"
We decided to walk back to our Triage room hoping they'd tell us now that it was time instead of waiting the other 40 minutes. As we were walking back one of the nurses said "We're admitting you, we think it's the real deal!" So we went back into the room, called our parents, and waited for them to move us over to the Birthing Center. It took about an hour for that to happen.
Once moved to the Birthing Center, the doctor on call (the same one I spoke to on the phone) checked me. I was 4cm and she said she could stretch me to 5 because I was so thinned out. She then broke my water and offered an epidural. I denied the epidural for the time because I was managing the pain fine myself. Don't get me wrong, it was painful, but I know the epi can slow down labor and I was ready to move on and meet my little man.
Well after an hour, I wanted the epidural. I was still able to handle the pain, but I knew there were 7 other people in labor at around the same time frame as me and 1 anesthesiologist. If I wanted the medicine, I'd need to get it soon because it could be hours if I waited. So I got it and it was not half as bad as I expected. It went smoothly and then I felt wonderful after. I was able to sleep for a few hours at that point. Good thing because I had now been up for almost 24 hours and I knew it wouldn't be anytime in the short future that I'd be pushing.
The doctors switched and I was a little sad I didn't get to deliver with the doctor I talked to but the new one is a 44 year veteran and I felt very comfortable with him already. He was wonderful as well.
Finally at 5pm, it was time to push. I was not expecting it to happen the way it did. It was so low key and casual. Dr. S was just sitting at the end of the bed to check me and I was apparently at 10cm. All of a sudden he goes "OK give me a good push" and I said "Like a real push? To push him out push??" and he goes "Yea hurry your contraction is almost over" and so I pushed. He said, "Oh you're a good pusher. I'll be back in 20, this baby is coming out soon. By the way he has a lot of hair"
I looked at Kevin and was stunned that it was time. It was just not like I expected. I thought there'd be all this hustle and bustle but it wasn't like that at all. Kevin held my left leg and the nurse held my right. There were a few other nurses coming in and out bringing all the stuff they'd need for the baby and for my recovery. It was just so casual.
After pushing for 2 hours, Dr. S realized he wasn't passing my pelvic bone so he knew help was needed. He decided to use forceps to aid in his delivery. Once he came out we realized the cord was around his foot. Every time I pushed, he was pulled back in after so that's why he wasn't coming like he should.
I opened my eyes and saw him and he instantly turned pink/red so I knew that was a great sign. Then they took him over to clean him up etc and he started crying. Again, I was just so happy because it's a great sign. Then I heard them say "APGAR 8 and 9" which again I knew was such a good sign. After a couple of minutes and finishing their measurements, they brought him to me and I got to hold him for the first time.
He has dark brown hair and blue eyes and is absolutely perfect. My heart felt like it instantly grew to make sure I had more than enough room for the love for him. Kevin and I were just immediately in love with him.
Now for some more pictures. I think he's the most handsome baby ever but I'm biased. He looks exactly like Kevin to me although he definitely has my eyes. I hope they stay blue/gray like they are but there's a good chance they'll turn hazel/brown like his daddy's.
He is our precious little miracle.
Born March 27, 2011
8 Pounds, 11 Ounces
22 Inches Long
APGAR 8 and 9
So when I posted my 39 week blog post, I fully intended to not need a 40 week post. Well I was wrong I just didn't make one. I had my baby at 40 weeks and 4 days. Here's his birth story:
Saturday March 26, I was having contractions all day and just wasn't feeling good. I had a feeling that it was coming close to being time to get ready. I finished some laundry, tidied up the house, got the animals ready, ate a hefty dinner, and tried to relax.
Around 9pm, my contractions started becoming timeable but not super painful yet. So I just relaxed and watched TV and waited it out. (A little back story, I had *thought* I was in labor 2 other times already. Once my contractions were 4 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute each for a few hours so away we went to Triage. I was wrong and they sent us home. Then another time I thought my water broke and was leaking slowly so we went again a few days later. After an examination, they concluded that my water had not broken and my contractions weren't progressing so again, they sent us home.) This time I was sure I wasn't going until I knew it was time.
Around midnight, I finally called the doctor and she was wonderful. She told me that since I was past my due date, if my contractions seemed to be progressing, even if very slowly, she'd move me along (aka- break my water.) She told me not to be a hero and not to worry about being sent home and to come in before I had the baby at home because I was too scared to be turned away again. She said most new mothers go to Triage a few times because they don't know what to expect.
So I waited an hour and the contractions were getting very painful. I was out of breath and had to hunch over to get through them and they were coming every 2-3 minutes but sometimes I would skip one so I still wasn't sure.
At 1am Sunday, we headed in and I was checked. I was 3.5cm and 100% effaced. They said to walk around for an hour and they'd check me again and if I get to 5cm, I'd be admitted. If not, I would keep walking. Well after walking for 20 minutes, we passed a nurse we had seen the first time we came a week earlier and she said "Yay today's the day" and I said "No we haven't been admitted yet" and she said "Well I heard today's your day" so Kevin and I looked at each other and just said "OMG we're having a baby today!!!"
We decided to walk back to our Triage room hoping they'd tell us now that it was time instead of waiting the other 40 minutes. As we were walking back one of the nurses said "We're admitting you, we think it's the real deal!" So we went back into the room, called our parents, and waited for them to move us over to the Birthing Center. It took about an hour for that to happen.
Once moved to the Birthing Center, the doctor on call (the same one I spoke to on the phone) checked me. I was 4cm and she said she could stretch me to 5 because I was so thinned out. She then broke my water and offered an epidural. I denied the epidural for the time because I was managing the pain fine myself. Don't get me wrong, it was painful, but I know the epi can slow down labor and I was ready to move on and meet my little man.
Well after an hour, I wanted the epidural. I was still able to handle the pain, but I knew there were 7 other people in labor at around the same time frame as me and 1 anesthesiologist. If I wanted the medicine, I'd need to get it soon because it could be hours if I waited. So I got it and it was not half as bad as I expected. It went smoothly and then I felt wonderful after. I was able to sleep for a few hours at that point. Good thing because I had now been up for almost 24 hours and I knew it wouldn't be anytime in the short future that I'd be pushing.
The doctors switched and I was a little sad I didn't get to deliver with the doctor I talked to but the new one is a 44 year veteran and I felt very comfortable with him already. He was wonderful as well.
Finally at 5pm, it was time to push. I was not expecting it to happen the way it did. It was so low key and casual. Dr. S was just sitting at the end of the bed to check me and I was apparently at 10cm. All of a sudden he goes "OK give me a good push" and I said "Like a real push? To push him out push??" and he goes "Yea hurry your contraction is almost over" and so I pushed. He said, "Oh you're a good pusher. I'll be back in 20, this baby is coming out soon. By the way he has a lot of hair"
I looked at Kevin and was stunned that it was time. It was just not like I expected. I thought there'd be all this hustle and bustle but it wasn't like that at all. Kevin held my left leg and the nurse held my right. There were a few other nurses coming in and out bringing all the stuff they'd need for the baby and for my recovery. It was just so casual.
After pushing for 2 hours, Dr. S realized he wasn't passing my pelvic bone so he knew help was needed. He decided to use forceps to aid in his delivery. Once he came out we realized the cord was around his foot. Every time I pushed, he was pulled back in after so that's why he wasn't coming like he should.
I opened my eyes and saw him and he instantly turned pink/red so I knew that was a great sign. Then they took him over to clean him up etc and he started crying. Again, I was just so happy because it's a great sign. Then I heard them say "APGAR 8 and 9" which again I knew was such a good sign. After a couple of minutes and finishing their measurements, they brought him to me and I got to hold him for the first time.
He has dark brown hair and blue eyes and is absolutely perfect. My heart felt like it instantly grew to make sure I had more than enough room for the love for him. Kevin and I were just immediately in love with him.
Now for some more pictures. I think he's the most handsome baby ever but I'm biased. He looks exactly like Kevin to me although he definitely has my eyes. I hope they stay blue/gray like they are but there's a good chance they'll turn hazel/brown like his daddy's.
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A sneak peek at our professional newborn photos from Kracke Photography |
He is our precious little miracle.
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