Friday, December 31, 2010

Some Books I Read This Year

Last year I wanted to read 100 books in 2010. I lost track but I'm sure it wasn't that many. Here are some I read that were worth the time to read them. I started quite a few and never finished because I just couldn't get through them. Enjoy!

I was very intrigued by this book. I read it very fast and would recommend it in a heartbeat.

I enjoyed all of Jen's books. This one wasn't my favorite of hers but I still enjoyed it!

I liked this book but I do enjoy most of her books. They have so many story lines and twists that I like.

This book was very interesting. I really enjoyed it.

I absolutely loved this book. I thought it was so well written.
I love Sophie but I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was very sweet and it was an easy read.

This book was an easy and fun read. I recommend it to all new moms.
I also enjoyed this book. I have read all of hers and liked this one equally.
This was the 3rd of the series of these books. They're a chick-lit murder mystery. It was an easy read and I liked it.

I thought this was very informative and very cut to the chase. I liked it.

And just to add one I read at the end of 2009 that is probably my favorite book of all time so far:
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book. Highly recommended!

I read quite a few more but I'm terrible at remembering the names. I have a few on my must read list of 2011. Right now I am reading
It's cute so far, I'm only about 75 pages in.

Next on my list are:

So what are you reading? Any recommendations for me?

Happy New Year!

So it's the last day of 2010 and I found a little questionnaire to look back on the year.

What would you consider your best memory of 2010? Finding out we're expecting.

What's the one thing from 2010 you'd like to forget? I'm not really sure.

What are you looking forward to the most in 2011? Baby Nate

What are you dreading the most in 2011? I'm not dreading it but scared of baby Nate lol. I feel like I have NO CLUE what the heck I'm doing....

What resolutions are you making, and how long do you think it will take before you break them? My resolution is to save more money and spend less foolishly. I don't think I can break it necessarily because I always save, it just isn't always as much as I want. I'd also like to read more. Try different genres of books too. Not just my usual Chick-Lit or books on disorders and more disturbing topics lol.

I am so grateful Kevin and I have had such a wonderful year. I know next year will be so special as well.

Today will be spent with some of our favorite people, I wonder if I'll be able to stay awake to see the ball drop though....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

28 Weeks!

I will be 28 weeks tomorrow. It's so exciting. I read that he's starting to fatten up and if he were to be born now (please stay in and cook a little longer there bud), he has an 85% chance of survival. That's not bad, but not ideal.

On to the bump pic:
How Big is Baby?
Baby is the size of an eggplant!

Your Pregnancy: Week 28

Baby's lungs are mature enough that, if born right now, she has a pretty good chance of surviving (with help from medical technology). Her skin is still pretty wrinkly (one byproduct of living in amniotic fluid) but will smoothen as fat continues to deposit.

New Symptoms: Sleep deprivation. Ribs feel like they're crushing in.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 22lbs

Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity pants all the time now. I'd say 99% of the time I wear regular shirts. Not maternity but I did have to buy a few regular shirts in a larger size. Goodbye Smalls, Hello Med/Large.

Stretch Marks: N/A but my linea negra is approaching.

Sleep: I wake up just about every night around 2 or 3 am and stay awake for a couple hours. He's not what wakes me up. It's my ribs that are killing me and the bronchitis. 

Movement: Lots!!! I've felt him since 16 weeks. He's a swimmer I'm pretty sure.

Food Cravings/Aversions: None. Never seemed to really have any. Only in the beginning a bit. I do LOVE oranges though.

Belly Button In or Out: 1/2 and 1/2. Gaining more towards out. Le sigh....

What I Miss:
Sleep. Also being able to take some medicine to sleep through the night.

What I am Looking Forward To:
Our next ultrasound. I don't know when it is but it's coming up I think around 32 weeks. I just want to see him again and see how big he is.

Best Moment This Week:
I just found out I passed my 1 hour Glucose test (phew) (to test for Gestational Diabetes). That was the best news so I don't have to do the 3 hour one. I'm sure I would've cried if they said I needed to do it!

Labor Signs: n/a

Some fun stuff: I can wake Nate up in my stomach and I think it's so cool. I just give a little jiggle and he starts playing around. This is why he's pretty quiet at night I'm sure. Hey, it's never too early to get them on a schedule right? Now lets hope it stays that way :)

Merry Christmas!!

We spent Christmas Eve with Kevin's family at his Mom and Dad's house. We had a great time, eating some great food. (Aka my sister in law's homemade egg rolls.... nom!)

Christmas Morning we went to Tim and Nok's house to open presents with Kaela and Steffen. It was fun to use our new video camera we got as a baby present.

My handsome hubby using our new camcorder!

I got these jammies to wear on Christmas day. We go over to their house so early, we all wear our pajamas. This year I thought I'd get some cute ones.

Now on to what I got for Christmas! I specifically said I didn't want baby related things. The only things I got that were baby related was the Vera Bradley Backpack I asked for because I'll use that as a diaper bag and some lotion. Hey, I don't have stretch marks yet, I fully think it's due to the wonderful lotions I'm using (shhh I know it's genetic!)

And I got 2 of each of these things so some will be returned lol.
Kevin got me this but it doesn't fit right. It's so short.

He also got me this:

This throw from Pottery Barn which I LOOOVVVEEEE from the family I nanny for

The droid incredible and some accessories for it.

It was a good year :) There are a couple other things but I can't find pictures for them. They're pj pants and a Maternity Sweater (that I LOVE) from Target. Kevin said I can't have enough PJ pants because he knows I'll pretty much live in them for a couple months. He knows me oh so well....

Since Kev got me some duplicates his mom did, he's getting me a car starter. But he said it's not really a Christmas gift but a baby gift. Whatever, I'll take it :)

December 12, 2010 Baby Shower

The lady I nanny for very graciously offered to host my baby shower. It was such a wonderful day and Kevin and I are so grateful to have such wonderful friends and family who showered Mr. Nathan with LOTS of love. He's fully stocked up now! We really don't need to buy anything besides a few small things and a stroller when the time comes. Right now we have a Snap-and-Go and that will work for the first few months with his infant seat. Here are a few pictures. I don't have a lot because as usual, I forgot my camera.

These pictures aren't stellar but you get the idea. And you can see the 20lb belly! That's at 25.5 weeks.