Wednesday, February 23, 2011

36 Weeks!

So he's 36 weeks today and I finally feel 100% ready for him to come. There are only 2 things left to do and that's pack the hospital bag and install the car seat. The bag is getting packed today and the seat is going in tonight or tomorrow. Other than that, we're ready for him! (We may be but my in-laws are not, they're not here yet and won't be until March 11th!! I don't know if he'll hold off for that long though...) The little buddy just needs to hang on for 1 more week so he's not a premie.

On to the pic, I took it this morning in my jammies so disregard the outfit!

Can you see my belly button sticking out? It's like a ramp! If I had to work this week, I'd let the kids drive their Hot Wheels off of it and see how far it flies.

 Anywho, onto some 36 week information.

Your Pregnancy: Week 36

Baby should soon descend into your pelvis, which will give your lungs a little room to breathe (literally). The bad news: This puts the brunt of baby's weight on your hips and pelvis, and will make them pretty sore. Add in your ever-loosening ligaments, and you may soon be taking on that oh-so-adorable pregnancy waddle.

Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Baby's skin is getting smooth and soft, her gums are rigid, her liver and kidneys are in working order, and her circulation and immune system are basically good to go. Her lungs are the only organs that still need to fully mature, but every day she gets a little closer to breathing on her own.

The 36 week survey:

New Symptoms: Very winded. I feel like I ran a marathon pretty much when I do anything. Plus there's still the ever present rib pain. 

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Not sure, in the 30's for sure :(

Maternity Clothes: I purchased a few things a week or so ago. I got these dresses and some plain button up and maternity tee's.


Stretch Marks: Yes and getting more

Sleep: I seem to get about 4 uninterrupted hours in the beginning, then I wake up hourly to switch sides.
Movement: A ton still! He rolls and has big giant jabs that take my breath away!

Food Cravings/Aversions: None.

Belly Button In or Out: Definitely out all the way. Again, very ramp like.

What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach. I have literally woken Kevin up to make him get off of his stomach because I'm very jealous.

What I am Looking Forward To: Having him!

Best Moment This Week: I think it was the realization that we're both ready for him!

Labor Signs: None yet. Some Braxton Hicks contractions but those aren't even very common either.

Tomorrow Nok and I are going to get mani's and pedi's from her sister and I cannot wait! Then we're doing lunch and shopping. Even though I've spent the week relaxing for the most part, (minus the fact that Kevin had the stomach bug yesterday so I had to take care of him without getting sick myself...) I'm really looking forward to a relaxing day at the spa and doing my favorite things. I feel like it's going to be a while until I get to again.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

3D Ultrasound

So we had our growth ultrasound yesterday and it was so neat seeing how big he is now. The last time we went, he was 18 weeks so when they turned the machine on, it took a  while to see which parts were what for Kevin and I since we don't look at ultrasounds often. This time, she stuck the machine on and we were like, woah that's a head!

Anyways, everything with him looks great! He's growing properly and in the 80th percentile. According to them, he's currently 6 pounds 7 ounces. Dr. C said if he continued on that curve he'll be 8.5 pounds or so. I knew he wouldn't be a little peanut!

Here are the 2- 3D pictures they gave us. Not the best and quite scary but you can see he already has daddy's cheeks!

The second one scares me a little bit but you can really see how huge his cheeks are haha!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


On TheBump, everyone gets so excited to get to 35/35. That is 35 weeks pregnant and only 35 days to go. It's a big milestone apparently! Well I have to say I am excited to get here. I'm excited that he could be here soon because I just can't wait to hold him.

No bump pic this week. I look the same as last since I just took the pic a couple of days ago.

Today I have a doctor's appointment. We're getting another ultrasound which makes me REALLY happy. Kev and I just can't wait to see him again.

On Sunday, my mom hosted another baby shower for me. It was a nice little quiet time with my family. We got a lot more clothes and onesies for him as well as a Travel Swing! He's pretty much all set!

This past week we've:

Set up the Den to become the playroom (see previous blog post)
Purchased a few more crib mattress pads, sheet savers, and waterproof mats.
Frozen 2 more meals.
Washed some bottles and toys.
Received a HUGE bin of toys and other baby stuff from G. Thanks!!!!!

I think that's about it but we're definitely almost done. I just need to return a few things and purchase a single stroller (which I won't need until about September anyways) and that's about it.

Now it's just a waiting game....

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Not Just a Den Anymore...

Once the den was finished, we left it alone for about 2 weeks, knowing soon it would have baby things. Then more baby things.

Well we set up the Pack and Play and the Swing and put the baby gate up (we need it anyways to keep the animals out.) We also put the toys and such into the buckets to be stored. Now the den looks like this:

Some pictures of us putting stuff together:

And of course the animals helped

Luckily we can store some of the bigger stuff behind the couch since it's on an angle. We can throw the bigger stuff into the PNP also if we need to, in hopes to keep some floor space.

Even more so now with all of his stuff in here, we're so excited for him to come!

Finally.... The Den is Done!!

Well, truly it's been finished for a while. I was just waiting on a table to take the final pictures. We ordered a small corner desk and of course, I thought it would be bigger than it was. We had to order a "hall table" to go next to it to put the tower under and printer on top. It'll be nice though because it'll give a space while sitting at the computer or on the couch for a drink or something.

Anyways, onto some pictures. You can see my previous posts about the Den project here.
A couple before. Just to remind you:

Now after:

I absolutely love this room! Kevin's company did a wonderful job. The new carpet and paint make it feel like it's a real room in our house. We find ourselves in here pretty often. With this room done, we felt like our house was huge. Like we have all of these rooms that it's so hard to pick which one to go in for the evening. I know that will change once we fill this house up with children! This room is so cozy and nice and will be nice for us to spend time in here with Nate and it'll give his things a place to go. Therefore it makes his crazy, organized Momma feel much better :)

34 Weeks!

 **I wrote this post on Thursday 2/10 but was waiting on my picture to post it!**

Yesterday I turned 34 weeks and it really hit home that we will be having him shortly. I feel huge, he's definitely dropped, and my stomach is hideous due to stretch marks :(
He's running out of room in there that's for sure. When he moves at all I can feel it. When I bend over, I am squishing him and I feel him move his hand and what not. I read that it would be normal for me to not feel him as  much since he's running out of space to move around but not this little guy, he is CONSTANTLY moving!! Luckily he's still quiet while I sleep. Must be all the jolting around all day chasing M and J, and tap dancing ;)

This past week, we got quite a bit done. I'm sure you're wondering, "What on Earth does she have left to do??" but there were/are a few things. We:

*Took our hospital tour.
*Took a Newborn Care Class
* Hung the rest of the pictures in the nursery.
*Rearranged some things in there and set up the fan, CD player, and monitors.
*Started filling out his baby book ~ This is funny because I remembered that a long time ago (wayyyyy before getting our BFP) I had purchased a Classic Pooh baby book from The Christmas Tree Shop for $3.99. Well I found it and it's perfect to use for Nate!
*Got his bedding and changing pad cover back on and covered with aluminum foil so the cats don't want to be anywhere near it. It's working too!
*Washed his bumper pad and put it away.
* Made and froze 3 meals.
*Pre-registered at the Hospital

It seems all I have left to do really is to get any items we didn't receive or purchase yet. I'm waiting until my 2nd shower on Sunday before doing that. The only things we **need** are another changing pad cover and some sheet savers. Other than that, we're pretty set. We certainly have all of the absolutely necessary stuff but we have lots of other helpful things too!

It says that at 34 weeks, the baby recognizes songs he hears over and over again and will enjoy hearing these songs once he's out of the womb. My question is, do I really play these songs more for him once he comes out? I am a dance teacher and listen to the same 13 songs each week at least 3 times each. Does he really want to hear "The Mummy" or "Passage" by Vienna Teng (both are not appropriate for an infant that's for sure. One is from the movie "The Mummy" and the other is about dying in a car crash...) or do I stick to my lullaby CD's that were purchased for him?  I think I'll go with the latter.

And here's a bump pic, see how low he is!
This picture was taken at 34w, 3d

This week we're going to be turning our beautifully renovated den into the playroom. I was waiting on the last table to arrive so I could take a few pre-baby stuff pictures. Then it's time to bust out the stuff that has been in storage since December or earlier. We'll be setting up the swing, pack and play, bouncer, tummy time mat, and a few other toys. Luckily, it seems we'll use most of this stuff in stages so it shouldn't take over the whole room. Wishful thinking though right?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Baby's Coming Home Outfit

So Kevin's mom just sent up from Florida the sweater, hat, and booties she crocheted for the baby. They are absolutely precious and we're so excited to put them on him for his first pictures.

She had shown me the sweater she started before she left so I purchased just a plain footed pajama to go underneath. I hope he's not too big for it! The doctor at my appointment yesterday said he was long!

We also have the bunting that Kevin's Grandma made for him to come home in. Since his birthday is in Nov, we're able to use it for baby Nate. It's immaculate and in perfect condition still.

I'm so excited that the outfits he will come home in are so special. Each piece (besides the pajamas) are made with love and for very special people.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Full bath before and after...

Well we finished a lot of projects around the house in the past couple of weeks. One that's 99% done (just needs the blinds I ordered to be installed) is our full bathroom. We removed an old medicine cabinet that we didn't ever use, painted it, added some shelves and decor, replaced the light fixture from brass to nickel, and replaced the 2 toned faucet to a nickel faucet.


The color before was a light peach. It at some glances was a cream but it had a peach undertone (like our whole house) and it just wasn't good.

And After:

What we did:

Paint: Sherwin Williams- Gray Screen
Light Fixture: Home Depot ($10)
Shelves and Decor on shelves: Target
Shower Curtain: Kmart
Faucet: Home Depot ($30)

This project was inexpensive and made a world of difference I feel. I'm happy with the end result!