Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Den Progress....

So far the den has been gutted, re-insulated (there was hardly any before,) drywalled, painted, new trim, and the holes for the lights are in.
Here are some pictures.The lights are getting installed today.
Quick before reminder:

You can see my original blog post here where you get some more before pics and a little description of this fun adventure.

Here are some during pictures:
Day 1
 All the wallpaper/wood paneling/drywall was removed. As well as the (very little) insulation and the carpet.

Day 2

New insulation was added. The textured ceiling was fixed. Recessed lighting was added.

Day 3

Drywall installed. Hole from lighting fixture fixed. 

Day 4
It looks pretty much the same. They had to tape and mud the drywall.

Day 5

Walls primed and new white trim installed. 

Day 6

Final paint and all the trim painted white. I love it so far!!!

While we've been doing this, we are doing some other stuff at the same time.

We added recessed lighting to the living room, took out an old/ugly medicine cabinet in the bathroom and drywalled it. The bathroom and hallway/stairwell will be painted as well. Before and after pics of those will be posted soon. 

 The living room recessed lights. There was no overhead lighting before.

The bathroom cabinet before and during.

We also added a ceiling fan to our bedroom. Again there was no overhead lighting at all. 

So I'll update shortly with finished products. I have lots of redecorating to do to these areas and rooms now! Keep checking for updated posts :)

31 Weeks!

Well I haven't posted in a while because our regular computer is down due to the Den renovations. They're still in progress (see next post) but I decided I couldn't wait any longer to post 31 weeks since I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow!

So during the 31st week I had a doctors appointment and she said everything is great. His heartbeat is fast (as usual), he's moving around a ton (as usual) and he's head down facing the back (like a good little boy already!) During our childbirth class the Monday prior to my appointment, we were talking about Birth Plans. Naturally I had to ask Dr. C about this because I was unsure whether or not I needed one. I mean, really? Can you really make a plan about your baby's birth? If I had to make one, I can presume it would look something like this:

Tonia's birth plan:
Do whatever you need to do to be sure he comes out safely and that we're both ok.

(end birth plan)

So, I decided it's unnecessary to type that out and hand to the nurses and doctors. I think they'll do that either way.
I'm sure these birth plans are helpful to some women but in my opinion, it's really like setting up for failure. I mean, how can you truly determine every aspect of the way your labor will go prior unless it's a planned C-Section? Considering you can't determine the exact day the labor will take place, I think the rest of the plan becomes shot from that point.

Anyways, on to the bump pic:

The baby is around the same size as last week. Mainly just gaining some weight. He seems to be doing really well. He responds when I tap my stomach for the most part and he especially loves Kevin's voice. Whenever Kevin starts talking in the morning, he starts kicking away. Granted, part of it could be because it's morning, but I like to think it's because he loves his daddy already!

Realizing I only have a few weeks to go, I have to start getting some stuff done! Things I need to do include:
Wash baby stuff
Pack Hospital bag
Take tour of hospital
Install car seat
Purchase any other needed items (I don't think there's much right now)

So far I think we're pretty ahead of the game. We're ready when he is but I'd rather him stay in for a little while longer :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

30 Weeks!

So yesterday I was officially 30 weeks. I can't believe how fast it's going. We started our childbirth classes on Monday and have 3 sessions of them. Kevin was hoping we wouldn't have to watch a video.... too bad for him we have a few haha.

The class was OK. Most of what she talked about I already knew from talking to other mom's, online, and books but I think it's good for Kev. One part that was funny was when she showed a diagram of a pregnant woman's insides and how all of the organs get squished up on top of the uterus, thus why we get horrible heartburn, Kev looked at me and was like "Holy sh*t that looks like it's uncomfortable!" I was like DOY!!!!!!

Anyways, on to the bump pic....

(Ok, so I've been trying for 3 days to put the picture in and for some reason it won't let me. I will try another time!)
The baby is the same size as last week and will stay that way for a month besides gaining some weight. I'm hoping he gains and not me :(

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Look How Cute They Are!!

So yesterday the dogs went to the groomer and came back looking adorable!!!
Mr. Bandit

My Little Princess
Aren't they the cutest things ever???? I think so :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Den/Playroom Redo!

So Kev and I decided to redo our den. It is by far the ugliest room in the house and ends up being the junk room because of it. It currently has wallpaper over wood paneling and a very very dirty carpet. We're demoing the walls and dry walling them, replacing the carpet, and adding recessed lighting. Here are some before's. DISCLAIMER.... THIS ROOM IS A MESS.

I'm not sure what to do with the room necessarily. We are thinking about getting a corner desk and smaller chair to save some space. One like this one:
I need some serious suggestions.... anyone wanna help me out???

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Baby Cuteness

I have seen people post about the cute things they find on Etsy.com but I haven't looked on there much myself. **When I was planning the wedding, I ordered some painted wine glasses from there and never received them, had to go through a big dispute etc. I finally got my money back but it turned me off of Etsy for a while.**

I was in the market for onesie stickers and knew really the only place to find some was Etsy. I narrowed down my search and told Kev to pick the final ones. Here they are:

I got these from the seller Purple Possom and was very happy and it gave me faith in Etsy again.
Now I just can't wait for him to get here so I can put them on him!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

29 Weeks!

So I turned 29 weeks on Wednesday and I can't believe we're that far along. Here's a pic. I feel like I just get bigger and bigger each week. I'm sure the wide stripes aren't helping though....
This was taken today (Saturday) so here I'm 29w 3d

Your Pregnancy: Week 29

Baby's now the size of a squash!
Baby's energy is surging, thanks to white fat depositing beneath his skin. And since he's growing so fast (weight will triple by birth), things are getting kind of cramped in the womb. What all this means for you: Get ready for some more kicks and jabs to the ribs.

This is all certainly true. The other day Kevin and I were watching TV and I looked down and my stomach was just waving, like an ocean. We stared at it for so long. I took a video but it didn't come out that great since you can really only see me breathing. It was definitely very cool and I'm so glad I got to share it with Kev. He was talking to my belly and Nate was going crazy.

Nate also has the hiccups a lot. It's a very interesting feeling. He's so low so he hiccups right around my belly button or bladder. I just never know what's coming next!