Wednesday, March 16, 2011

39 Weeks....

...And only 1 more to go. It's starting to freak me out that he has to come out. I always knew obviously but I'm just now getting a little nervous of the whole Labor and Delivery aspect of child producing. I luckily trust my doctor and the hospital so I know things will be ok. I've just never had any major pain before. I've never broken a bone, had any surgery (besides getting my wisdom teeth out which I only had Novocain for) and I've only had stitches once (and I was so little I remember NOTHING about it!) My doctor asked me last week if I have been experiencing contractions and I was like, I have no idea, I don't know what they feel like! I have been having lots of pressure but I don't know if that's what contractions are. I guess I'll really find out sometime soon!

Here's a bump pic. My stomach is gigantic!

Don't mind the self portrait! I thought (and am crossing my fingers this is my last "bump pic") that I should show my face since everyone is saying how all of the baby weight is just in my stomach. I don't feel like that but it is nice to hear!

The 39 week survey:

New Symptoms: Some back pain and lots and lots of pressure. Also sometimes my hips feel like some sort of nerve is being squeezed by him.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well over 40lbs.... kill me

Maternity Clothes: None. I am not buying anything more either. I can't wait to buy post pregnancy clothes but even at that, I'm hopefully waiting until fall.
Stretch Marks: Unfortunately and they're itchy. I have been using an oil that really helps relieve the itch though!

Sleep: I seem to get about 4 uninterrupted hours in the beginning, then I wake up hourly to switch sides.

Movement: He still moves quite a bit but he has quieter times which never happened before. It makes me nervous though.

Food Cravings/Aversions: None.

Belly Button In or Out: It's an outtie.

What I Miss: Lots of things. Being smaller, sleeping on my stomach, a nice glass of wine. Soon enough..... soon enough.

What I am Looking Forward To: My appointment tomorrow. I hope I've made progress so I can have him soon!!!

Best Moment This Week: The first time I realized I might be having some contractions. I've described what I'm feeling to people and they say it sounds like it. I hope so!

Labor Signs: Some contractions but nothing significant yet!
Well I hope that the next post I make is an introduction to our sweet baby boy. We shall see.... Stay tuned!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

38 weeks and counting....

So I am now 38 weeks along. Only a couple more to go and our whole lives will change. Our little family of 2 will become 3. We will no longer be able to just up and leave for the weekend, or just stay out all night. We will need sitters in order to see our friends, we will always need to put someone ahead of ourselves.

I don't think this will be a problem for us. Kevin and I have so much love for him already that we're ready to do all of those things. We're ready to miss the gatherings with our friends because Nate is sick. We're ready to do without for ourselves (truly, I don't need to purchase any more bedding and Kev could do without another car part) in order for Nate to have everything he needs (and money saving for College). And to be honest, we will give him lots of things he wants too. Whether he needs it or not. He will be spoiled. Hopefully just not spoiled rotten. He will be spoiled with love and affection from so many people involved in our lives. Kevin's parents, my parents, our grandparents, our siblings, our family, our friends and relatives of friends as well. This child will have so much love pouring at him he won't know what to do with it all. I'm perfectly OK with that. I just hope one day he'll recognize all of that love and be able to give it away just as easily and without restraint.

Anywho.... here's my bump pic for the week. Certainly unglamorous but I forget about taking my picture a lot!
He's still a Watermelon and shouldn't become any larger "fruit" wise.

I have my last week of work next week before taking my Maternity Leave until the end of April. I can't believe we're getting down to the wire!

All of my "checklist" is done and I feel very ready for him. Now it's just a waiting game.....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

10 Most Irritating, Least Helpful Parenting Tips

So I saw this article on Yahoo and thought it was hilarious. A lot of these have already been said to us and I felt the same way as the author.

Here's the original article. I just copied and pasted the actual tips.

1. "Sleep now, because once that baby comes you'll never sleep again." Technically this is a pregnancy tip, of course, but I'm shoving it in here anyway. Yes, Great-Aunt Hildy, I will sleep throughout my entire third trimester. Because I am part bear. ** Seriously, I wanted to throat punch people when they would say this. Sleep has been non-existent since my 2nd trimester. I have just given up and realize I will never sleep again. I'm OK with it. **

2. "Sleep when the baby sleeps." Everyone gives you this one — annoying relatives, pediatricians, the cashier at the drugstore where you were buying newborn diapers. Are these people all robots, capable of instantly dropping off to sleep whenever their child is unconscious? Do they not have other things to do, like bathe, or simply relish the rare moments of silence you get when you have an infant? **I know this will be me. I can't just shut down my brain and sleep. Everything has to be done and in it's place in order for me to drift off into a slumber. We shall see...**
3. "I think your baby's hungry." Whether you're nursing or bottle-feeding, everyone assumes you don't know how to feed your child. And every time your child cries, whines, grimaces, or squirms, they are going to assume you are starving your poor baby and you need reminders to feed it. Lest you forget! This advice is especially maddening when they turn out to be correct. ** I can't wait for these comments.... the bold part made me laugh.**

4. "Relish every moment of your baby's first years, because they'll be grown before you know it." You mean, time only moves forward? I had no idea! I thought we'd be like this forever and ever! This sort of advice, obvious and innocuous as it seems, always put me on the defensive, as if I had just been carrying my baby under my arm like a football, muttering, "Grow up already, why don't you. Just GROW UP."

5. "I hope you're sleep training that child. Do you WANT him to be spoiled?" Oh, distant relative/person whose aisle I shared at the supermarket, I'm so glad you know exactly my child needs. And that you know, from your years of scientific research, that any child not allowed to cry it out will be a horrible waste of flesh! (See #6 for this parenting tip's counterpart.)

6. "I hope you're not doing that 'crying it out' thing. It's so barbaric. Enjoy your baby all through the night!" Again, kudos to you, whoever you are, for knowing what's best for our unique family situation! I will be calling you at 4 a.m., so you can enjoy our baby as well.

7. "Why are you bringing your child outside when it's so cold out?" It never ceased to amaze me that, no matter what my child's age, total strangers will express alarm and revulsion that I dared expose him to the elements. "And WHY ISN'T BE WEARING MITTENS? He's going to get consumption!"

8. "Your child isn't really sad/angry/injured. He's just manipulating you." There's no doubt that children can push our buttons as if they've had professional training in it, but the notion that my kid's authentic feelings are in fact manufactured to elicit a reaction really chaps my hide. If that were always true, he'd be a pint-sized sociopath.  I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

9. "Schools are just glorified prisons. If you loved your child, you'd homeschool." Oh, if only I loved my child enough to abandon my livelihood, tear him away from the community he so enjoys, separate him from the professionals who have dedicated their careers to childhood education, and forced him to stay home all day with me, where we'd be at each other's throats for hours! If only! Please note: I am not opposed to homeschooling, at all — in fact I wish it would work for us, but it would not.

10. "If I were you, I'd just—" OH NO YOU DON'T. I know where this is going. Listen, unnamed distant acquaintance who last parented in the 19th century (it's true — I often get my unwanted advice from ghosts) you don't know diddly about my kid, and our relationship, and what works for us.

So I suppose we'll see how these play out as we come across them. I thought they were funny though.

37 Weeks= Full Term Baby!

So Wednesday marked our 37th week and put us at full term. Meaning he could come any second.... That's crazy to think about!

This week also marked the first of my weekly exams at the doctor. I had my appointment on Friday and I was a little nervous about it. Kevin came along too because he could tell I was feeling weary and I love that I didn't even have to ask him, he just decided to come to be with me. Of course he loves coming and hearing the heartbeat etc. but he's been very busy at work lately. So for him to come with me and leave work an hour and a half early on Fri meant going to the office both Saturday and Sunday for a little bit to make up for it. He's truly the best husband ever.

Anyways, the appointment went OK I suppose. I am a fingertip dilated and she could feel his head was there ready to go. She mentioned possibly stripping my membranes/inducing me next weekend because he's a big boy. This completely freaked me out. I guess I'm not as ready for him as I thought. I have everything ready but the thought of him coming 2 weeks early was quite shocking.
I'm going to see how the appointment on Thursday goes and if I've made any progress. If not, I'm opting to not be induced and letting nature take its course. Whatever happens happens right??

A Full Term Bump Pic:
I'm gigantic....

Your Pregnancy: Week 37

Today brings two beautiful words: full-term. Now, whenever baby's born, he's likely to thrive. Also thriving? Your nesting instincts, which are behind those sudden urges to bake, clean, or embroider a onesie. (Feminists, take your issue up with nature, not with us.)

Baby's now the size of a watermelon!

Your full-term (yay!) baby is gaining about 1/2 ounce a day and getting his first sticky poop (called meconium) ready. He's also brushing up on skills for the outside world: blinking, sucking, inhaling, exhaling, and gripping (it's getting strong!).

Our checklist is done minus the few last minute things that need to be packed in the hospital bag. I'm hoping for Spring to show up soon. It teases us here and it's making me crazy. Kev and I just can't wait to take Nate for walks with the dogs through our park.