Saturday, March 12, 2011

38 weeks and counting....

So I am now 38 weeks along. Only a couple more to go and our whole lives will change. Our little family of 2 will become 3. We will no longer be able to just up and leave for the weekend, or just stay out all night. We will need sitters in order to see our friends, we will always need to put someone ahead of ourselves.

I don't think this will be a problem for us. Kevin and I have so much love for him already that we're ready to do all of those things. We're ready to miss the gatherings with our friends because Nate is sick. We're ready to do without for ourselves (truly, I don't need to purchase any more bedding and Kev could do without another car part) in order for Nate to have everything he needs (and money saving for College). And to be honest, we will give him lots of things he wants too. Whether he needs it or not. He will be spoiled. Hopefully just not spoiled rotten. He will be spoiled with love and affection from so many people involved in our lives. Kevin's parents, my parents, our grandparents, our siblings, our family, our friends and relatives of friends as well. This child will have so much love pouring at him he won't know what to do with it all. I'm perfectly OK with that. I just hope one day he'll recognize all of that love and be able to give it away just as easily and without restraint.

Anywho.... here's my bump pic for the week. Certainly unglamorous but I forget about taking my picture a lot!
He's still a Watermelon and shouldn't become any larger "fruit" wise.

I have my last week of work next week before taking my Maternity Leave until the end of April. I can't believe we're getting down to the wire!

All of my "checklist" is done and I feel very ready for him. Now it's just a waiting game.....

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