Wednesday, March 16, 2011

39 Weeks....

...And only 1 more to go. It's starting to freak me out that he has to come out. I always knew obviously but I'm just now getting a little nervous of the whole Labor and Delivery aspect of child producing. I luckily trust my doctor and the hospital so I know things will be ok. I've just never had any major pain before. I've never broken a bone, had any surgery (besides getting my wisdom teeth out which I only had Novocain for) and I've only had stitches once (and I was so little I remember NOTHING about it!) My doctor asked me last week if I have been experiencing contractions and I was like, I have no idea, I don't know what they feel like! I have been having lots of pressure but I don't know if that's what contractions are. I guess I'll really find out sometime soon!

Here's a bump pic. My stomach is gigantic!

Don't mind the self portrait! I thought (and am crossing my fingers this is my last "bump pic") that I should show my face since everyone is saying how all of the baby weight is just in my stomach. I don't feel like that but it is nice to hear!

The 39 week survey:

New Symptoms: Some back pain and lots and lots of pressure. Also sometimes my hips feel like some sort of nerve is being squeezed by him.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Well over 40lbs.... kill me

Maternity Clothes: None. I am not buying anything more either. I can't wait to buy post pregnancy clothes but even at that, I'm hopefully waiting until fall.
Stretch Marks: Unfortunately and they're itchy. I have been using an oil that really helps relieve the itch though!

Sleep: I seem to get about 4 uninterrupted hours in the beginning, then I wake up hourly to switch sides.

Movement: He still moves quite a bit but he has quieter times which never happened before. It makes me nervous though.

Food Cravings/Aversions: None.

Belly Button In or Out: It's an outtie.

What I Miss: Lots of things. Being smaller, sleeping on my stomach, a nice glass of wine. Soon enough..... soon enough.

What I am Looking Forward To: My appointment tomorrow. I hope I've made progress so I can have him soon!!!

Best Moment This Week: The first time I realized I might be having some contractions. I've described what I'm feeling to people and they say it sounds like it. I hope so!

Labor Signs: Some contractions but nothing significant yet!
Well I hope that the next post I make is an introduction to our sweet baby boy. We shall see.... Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. you look fantastic! we miss you guys... i'm exhausted... but i can't wait for the baby to come! we love him already!
