Saturday, February 12, 2011

34 Weeks!

 **I wrote this post on Thursday 2/10 but was waiting on my picture to post it!**

Yesterday I turned 34 weeks and it really hit home that we will be having him shortly. I feel huge, he's definitely dropped, and my stomach is hideous due to stretch marks :(
He's running out of room in there that's for sure. When he moves at all I can feel it. When I bend over, I am squishing him and I feel him move his hand and what not. I read that it would be normal for me to not feel him as  much since he's running out of space to move around but not this little guy, he is CONSTANTLY moving!! Luckily he's still quiet while I sleep. Must be all the jolting around all day chasing M and J, and tap dancing ;)

This past week, we got quite a bit done. I'm sure you're wondering, "What on Earth does she have left to do??" but there were/are a few things. We:

*Took our hospital tour.
*Took a Newborn Care Class
* Hung the rest of the pictures in the nursery.
*Rearranged some things in there and set up the fan, CD player, and monitors.
*Started filling out his baby book ~ This is funny because I remembered that a long time ago (wayyyyy before getting our BFP) I had purchased a Classic Pooh baby book from The Christmas Tree Shop for $3.99. Well I found it and it's perfect to use for Nate!
*Got his bedding and changing pad cover back on and covered with aluminum foil so the cats don't want to be anywhere near it. It's working too!
*Washed his bumper pad and put it away.
* Made and froze 3 meals.
*Pre-registered at the Hospital

It seems all I have left to do really is to get any items we didn't receive or purchase yet. I'm waiting until my 2nd shower on Sunday before doing that. The only things we **need** are another changing pad cover and some sheet savers. Other than that, we're pretty set. We certainly have all of the absolutely necessary stuff but we have lots of other helpful things too!

It says that at 34 weeks, the baby recognizes songs he hears over and over again and will enjoy hearing these songs once he's out of the womb. My question is, do I really play these songs more for him once he comes out? I am a dance teacher and listen to the same 13 songs each week at least 3 times each. Does he really want to hear "The Mummy" or "Passage" by Vienna Teng (both are not appropriate for an infant that's for sure. One is from the movie "The Mummy" and the other is about dying in a car crash...) or do I stick to my lullaby CD's that were purchased for him?  I think I'll go with the latter.

And here's a bump pic, see how low he is!
This picture was taken at 34w, 3d

This week we're going to be turning our beautifully renovated den into the playroom. I was waiting on the last table to arrive so I could take a few pre-baby stuff pictures. Then it's time to bust out the stuff that has been in storage since December or earlier. We'll be setting up the swing, pack and play, bouncer, tummy time mat, and a few other toys. Luckily, it seems we'll use most of this stuff in stages so it shouldn't take over the whole room. Wishful thinking though right?

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