So I skipped 32 weeks. I was busy and it didn't seem much different than 31. Anyways, our house projects have been really helpful with getting my/our minds off of the fact that the baby could be here very very soon. (For example, my boss at the dance studio had her baby at 34.5 weeks, ahhhh!!) Now the projects are done and we've gotten so much accomplished, it feels like it's ok for him to come whenever (although I hope he doesn't come until at least 37 weeks!)
In the past 2 weeks we've done/finished:
Our birthing class
Washed all of his stuff
Organized his room (even more than normal)
Cooked and frozen 2 meals
Finished the den, hallway/stairwell, upstairs bathroom, and bedroom.
Thought about what needs to go in the hospital bag.
Our hospital tour and another class is Sunday which will knock off a couple other things on our list.
This week I plan to start getting the hospital bag together and set up the pack and play etc for the Den. In 2 weeks we'll put the car seat in the car so I can get used to having to juggle all of the kids and the lack of trunk space I'll have. Luckily J is really excited to sit in the back from now on!
And here's a bump pic. I'm feeling very very large lately. Oh well, I suppose it comes with the territory.
This picture either made me realize I'm bigger than I thought or it is making me look bigger....sigh |
Your Pregnancy: Week 33
How Big is Baby?
Baby's now the size of a honeydew!
Things are heating up inside as well: Baby may grow up to a full inch this week alone, and his brain is developing like crazy. Pretty soon, he'll be able to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing. Also, his bones are hardening, and he's started to keep his eyes open when he's awake.
New Symptoms: My hips have loosened up. It's a very strange feeling.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I don't want to know anymore :( Probably around 30lbs.
Maternity Clothes: I wear maternity pants all the time now. I can still wear some regular shirts. I mix it up.
Stretch Marks: Yes and I cried when I saw them. They just came the other day. There are 2.
Sleep: It varies. I have some nights I sleep great and through the whole night and there are some I wake up around 2 until 5 or so.
Movement:Yes he's moving still a ton. His jabs are much stronger now. I can feel him kick my hips. So strange.
Food Cravings/Aversions:Still oranges.
Belly Button In or Out: Still 1/2 and 1/2.
What I Miss: Sleeping on my stomach.
What I am Looking Forward To: Our next ultrasound on Feb 16. I can't wait to see him.
Best Moment This Week: Not sure yet. I have an appointment Friday so I'm excited to hear his heartbeat!
Labor Signs: n/a
Today Kev asked if I was ready for him to be here. He mainly was asking because he thinks I'm constantly uncomfortable. I said no, I'm ok with the discomfort, because I feel like I'm not ready quite yet for his arrival. Technically I am. Our house is ready, our car is ready, our finances are ready, but I'm not ready to be in charge of such a precious little thing. I know he is going to turn our world upside down and that still terrifies me. Luckily, both of us have so much support from friends and family that I know we'll get through it!
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